My sister, Riley

My sister, Riley

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Free Day!

I have been swimming and watching China MTV!  Most all the songs are in English so I like it! The cartoons are silly here!!!  We are taking Riley to the Doctor today to have her spots looked at.  The internet has been having issues so we are having a hard time getting on to blog. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

We have Riley

My sister is here!  I have been playing with her.  I even help her walk!  She loved to throw the ball at me and I roll it back to her.  She is so cute!!  Her name is Riley Jiner Handy!! 


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Beijing to Shanghai

In Beijing we saw the Great Wall.  It was huge.  Very steep with lots and lots of stairs.  I didn’t think it was hard but my parents did.  I walked a lot farther than my mom did, a lot, a lot farther.  She just watched me.  I found out it is 4,000 miles long.  It was really net to touch and walk on.  A man there made us a stamp.  It has our zodiac animal on it.  It has our name on it with our name written in Chinese also. We got one for me, my brothers, and Riley too.  I am the monkey because I was born in 2004. 


We also went to Tiananmen Square and Forbidden City.  This was cool because it was so windy and part of the building wall kept falling.  People were running from it.  It was just a lot of old buildings that all looked the same.  Tiananmen Square buildings are still used  by the high officials.  The Forbidden City was used a long, LONG time ago.

 As soon as we walked through the tunnel, we heard this loud was the wall falling!!  You can see it on the ground!! 
 As we stood there talking, more and more wall fell.  Every time there was a big gust of wind the wall collapsed.  This is how it ended up by the time we left this spot.  It was scary and crazy!



 We flew from Beijing to Shanghai on Sunday.  Shanghai has a lot of buildings that are built really cool.  They have a lot of different designs.  The street our hotel is on is very crowed.  It has a lot of stores on it and at night tons and tons of lights. 
 From our hotel room.  We are on the 22nd floor.  There are 25 floors in our hotel.  Our hotel is really, really nice! 

Inside our hotel lobby.  There is marble everywhere!  Very pretty and HUGE!!

At night, right outside our hotel! 
Today, We are getting Riley!  I am so excited to have my new sister right by me!  I will post pictures as soon as we can.  Her crib is sitting in the room I am sleeping in.  I hope she likes me!  I have lots of toys for her!  



Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Long time

We are in China at our hotel.  We arrived in the middle of the night.  China is 14 hours ahead of Kansas.  On the way here, it took a long time.  I did not have fun on the airplane.  It was kind of bumpy and when we left Chicago, it was snowing really hard.  When we finally landed in Beijing, China it was very foggy and it still is.  The fog is from all the pollution.  People wear mask when they are outside.  We brought them too.  Our guide that will be with us while we are in Beijing is really nice,  Her name is Emily.  We went to the grocery store this morning and it was very small and smelled very bad.  It was not like Price Chopper. We can not drink the water at all here.  We must drink bottled water.  My mom and I are playing games since there is not a lot for us to do.  I hope to go swimming this after noon and tomorrow we get to go to the Great Wall. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Getting ready to leave

I am about to get on the airplane and head to Chicago.  We will be there for 2 hours and then head to China.  While you are sleeping, we will be flying!!!  I am very excited!! I will miss my friends and brothers very much!

Monday, March 4, 2013

We leave tomorrow

Hi, My name is Rheagan.  We leave tomorrow to fly to China to pick up my new baby sister!  I have two brothers but really want a sister!  I can't wait. I am very excited. Her name is Riley and she is 18 months old!  We don't know really what she looks like or what sizes she is.  We have packed a lot for her!  I will miss my friends at school but hopefully they will be able to follow this and know what we are doing.